
Known issues:
  • DOA Days validation missing in service case.
  • BOW Validation missing in service case.
  • Warranty Validation missing in service case.
  • Service Case Send To ESC missing.
  • Service Case Bulk Modify missing.
Functionality planned for upcoming releases:
  • Service Case Search, implement search for customer name to.
STRONG Offices Using the Portal
  • 2019-06-01 STRONG France


Version 1.33.3 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Fixing null vialotation in DEC bulk import. Caused by issues in Spire.Xls
  2. Updated default customer group for France Bulk Import.
  3. Another Boulanger France Bulk Import Date format fix.
Version 1.33.2 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Adjusted Excel Customer Case print France.
  2. Boulanger France Bulk Import Date format fix.
Version 1.33.1 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Fixed missing SWAP serial in Customer Confirmation PDF.
Version 1.33.0 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Hungary Delivery Note PDF.
  2. Hungary Swapped Products PDF.
  3. Hungary Credit Note PDF.
Version 1.32.3 Bug fixes
  1. Added Missing items to Accessories section in Customer Confirmation PDF.
Version 1.32.2 Bug fixes
  1. Added Missing to Accessories text in Customer Confirmation PDF when accessories are set to missing.
Version 1.32.1 Bug fixes
  1. Fixed trigger WRITE_LOG_HISTORY_INSERT in table rma.
  2. Fixed Swapped Serial number null reference error in validation when saving a new service case.
  3. Added Missing to Accessories text in Customer Confirmation PDF when accessories are set to missing.
Version 1.32.0 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Removed leading zeroes from Serial Numbers.
  2. Fixed Swapped Serial number null reference error when saving an existing service case..
Version 1.31.0 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Customer Confirmation PDF Print for all offices.
  2. Updated office profile with new fields for PDF prints.
  3. Removed unused fields from Office profile.
  4. Service RMA Bugfix where office profile had defined RMA check and RMA prefix not set.
  5. Changed Footer STRONG address to STRONG Netherland.
  6. Removed address field from Office Profile.
  7. French translation fixes.
  8. Updated excel layout for France.
Version 1.30.0 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Bug fix DEC AT Excel import.
Version 1.29.0 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Added Office Id in all service case views. Not being displayed for French users.
  2. DEC Austria Service Case import.
  3. Product Type View. Added view for products.
Version 1.28.0 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Service Case - Display Customer Details. Added Phone And Email to popup.
  2. Notification Menu - Added Pending Bulk Upload Service Cases.
Version 1.27.0 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Product Type dbl click opens type in edit mode.
  2. STRONG Product list export to excel function.
  3. Bulk Upload Service Cases added to Notification menu.
  4. Incomplete Service Cases added to Notification menu.
  5. Excel File Upload for Service Case bulk import.
  6. Download Excel Template for Service Case bulk import.
Version 1.26.0 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. French Translation Updates.
  2. Service Case Views saving page size setting so views always uses the last setting.
Version 1.25.0 New Features
  1. Product Search. Added EAN Code to search filter.
  2. IRIS Codes export to excel.
  3. Customer Group Profile new field: Require Proof Of Purchase.Used when creating service case in Partner Portal.
  4. Office Profile Updated Layout.
  5. Office Profile New fields.
Version 1.24.1 Bug fixes
  1. Service Cases All For Office Access Denied fix.
Version 1.24.0 New Features
  1. Service Case Validation. Resetting Close Date if validation fails.
  2. Service Case Customer Details PopUp, changed input field.
  3. Service Case Customer Details PopUp, Added button for copying details to clipboard.
Version 1.23.2 Bug fixes
  1. Service Case Product popup bugfix.
  2. Service Case SpareParts update bugfix.
Version 1.23.1 Bug fixes
  1. Customer Group Access Denied fix.
Version 1.23.0 New Features
  1. Edit Service Case Heartbeat function.
Version 1.22.2 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Navision STRONG Italy Customer Group After Sales Portal Sync.
  2. Navision STRONG Austria Customer Group After Sales Portal Sync.
  3. Navision STRONG Germany Customer Group After Sales Portal Sync.
  4. Service Case Send Email settings updated.
Version 1.22.1 New Features and Bug fixes
  1. Office Profile new setting. Can send email from Service Case.
  2. Customer Profile - Remove Customer from Group bugfix.
Version 1.22.0 New Features and Bugs
  1. Office Profile new field Default Warranty Months.
  2. Service Case Send Email functionality.
Version 1.21.0 New Features and Bugs
  1. Service Case Customer Details PopUp new design.
  2. Updated selection criteria for Service Case Incomplete list.
Version 1.20.0 New Features and Bugs
  1. Customer Group Profile Customers Tab. Double Click on Customer opens Customer Profile.
  2. Office Profile Service Case SparePart Setting.
  3. Office Profile Print Service Case Setting.
  4. Office Profile Barcode Printer setting.
  5. IRIS Defect Code administration GUI.
  6. IRIS Repair Code administration GUI.
  7. Adjusted column width for product id and serial no in service cases.
Version 1.19.0 New Features and Bugs
  1. Service Case Save random update failed fix.
  2. Customer Group Profile layout fix.
  3. Added Notification for Customers missing Customer Group.
Version 1.18.1 Bug fix only
  1. Missing Iris and Action Codes when users language id is missing !
Version 1.18.0 New Features & Bugs
  1. Added Role AfterSalesEditor. Gives user access to edit any service case until it is archived.
  2. Changed Service Case Validation so it only validates when a Service Case has DateOut set.
Version 1.17.0 New Features & Bugs
  1. Service Case Rma No Popup window. Added Double click on service case in table to open it in main window. And icon link doing the same.
  2. France Print Service Case. Spareparts missing first letter fix.
  3. Adjusted field size in office profile to avoid text overlapping on small screens.
  4. Adjusted field size in customer group profile to avoid text overlapping on small screens.
  5. Changed settings for tooltips so they always appear on top in service case pages.
Version 1.16.2 New Features & Bugs
  1. Added Service Case status change rule for Status Screened.
  2. Changed date formats in edit and display service case.
  3. Changed validation rules. Service case can be closed when Return date is missing and Action Code is not CN - DOA.
Version 1.16.1 New Features & Bugs
  1. Service Case Print for France, Spare Part Translation Updated.
  2. Service Case Create/Update resetting Close Date on save if validation fails.
  3. Service Case Date Validation & Status Update bugfix.
Version 1.16.0 New Features & Bugs
  1. Service Case new field Updated Software Version
  2. Display and Edit Service Case. Layout changes in panel Customer. Added Customer Group and moved Customer Ref No.
  3. Service Case Edit and Display, new Search form on top.
  4. Print Bar Codes for France.
  5. New Print drop down menu in the Service Case view.
  6. Moved Boulanger France, Bulk Import from Customer Group Profile to separate Validation menu.
  7. Service Case Date Of Return bugfix.
Version 1.15.1 New Features & Bugs
  1. Critical Performance fix for service case being updated and opened.
  2. Removed Mandatory Check for Return Date when service case is about to be closed.
Version 1.15.0 New Features & Bugs
  1. Edit Service Case. Moved Spare Part Button to top right on panel Action.
  2. Service Case moved error text box.
  3. Added special rights for users to be able to create a new service case.
  4. Display Service Case. Credit Note field changed to readonly.
  5. Left Side Menu. All Service Cases Missing.
Beta 1.14.0 New Features & Bugs
  1. Super Administrator Notification for Products Missing Category.
  2. Products Missing Category View changed date filtering.
  3. New View All Products. Displaying all available products with no filter.
  4. Added Copy Service Case in All Views.
  5. Service Case All for Office View for Administrators and Super Administrators.
  6. Service Case RMA No Popup click on service case in list to open it.
  7. French Translations.
  8. New Component for building validation menu dynamically for all users.
  9. New Views for displaying all approved and declined import cases Boulanger France.
  10. Added Missing SWAP Product id to service case views.
  11. Product Search not retaining search value bug fix.
Beta 1.13.0 New Features
  1. Notifications for AfterSales Admins and Approvers in top menu.
  2. Validation => Boulanger bulk upload, Email and Service Case creation.
  3. Validation => Boulanger, removed fields Invoice id and Intervention from view.
  4. Added Tv Stand to service case accessories.
  5. New Low value rule in Customer Group Profile.
  6. Create Customer functionality.
  7. Delete Customer functionality.
Beta 1.12.0 New Features
  1. Customer Group Profile new field for DOA Days for low value rule
  2. Add spare part customer group profile. Added check if spare part exist.
  3. Email Template, added dialogs for customer group and customer.
  4. Customer Group Profile, added file download.
  5. Email Template Type Admin, Added Create Template Type Function
  6. Bug Fix Customer Group Profile Products. Action Code not updated properly.
Beta 1.11.0 New Features
  1. Navision Customer Groups for France syncronization script created.
  2. Moved spare part administration to office profile.
  3. Customer Group Profile, added main customer. Used for Bulk import of service cases.
  4. Bugfix customer group edit icon.
  5. Boulanger Bulk import Validation interface.
  6. Boulanger Bulk Service Case Upload interface.
  7. New service case rule. Service case can not be closed when case has no customer.
  8. Updated Service Case views, RMA No moved.
Beta 1.10.0 New Features
  1. Updated Product Sync With Navision to include Last Sell Date
  2. Service Case Excel Export (Print) France.
  3. Office Profile new field Default Doa Days.
  4. Email templates Administration. Used when the Portal are sending emails automatically.
Beta 1.9.2 New Features
  1. IRIS Symptom Code Maintenance Views.
  2. Product Maintenance, added posibillity to change product category.
  3. Product missing category maintenance view.
Beta 1.9.1 New Features
  1. Service Case, Changed Panel Header colors.
  2. Service Case, Moved Credit Note input to Panel 4.
  3. Reduced amount of possible IRIS symptom codes to be selected.
  4. Added translations to Select Dropdown lists.
  5. Added Api Health Check for monitoring.
Beta 1.9.0 New Features
  1. Service Case DateInput validation rules added.
  2. RMA Prefix validation rules.
  3. New View - Customers missing customer group.
Beta 1.8.1 New Features
  1. Added Missing Action Code Icons.
  2. French Translation.
Beta 1.8.0 New Features
  1. Office Administration Menu.
  2. Customer Group Profile new fields.
  3. Validation GUI Approved version.
  4. Validation GUI Customer Group Details Popup.
  5. Backend Service Case General validation rules. (Includes Dates, Required fields)
  6. Action Codes Colored Icons.
  7. Service case views paging bug fix. Redirected to wrong pages.
  8. Service Case Information Panel made collapseable to minimize screen height.
  9. Automatic syncronizing products from Navision.
  10. Status Code update rules implemented.
  11. After Sales Admin edit office profile.
  12. Added search to Products view.
  13. Displaying Customer Group in service cases.
  14. Edit Service Case new GUI.
  15. Display Service Case GUI Approved Version.
  16. Front end date validation rules.
  17. Validation GUI first draft.
  18. Customer Group Profile added Main Email.
  19. View All Customer search updated.
  20. View Customer For Office search updated.
  21. Edit Service case added DEC Austria fields.
  22. Incomplete Service Cases View updated.
  23. Service Case Approval GUI.
Beta 1.7.1 New Features
  1. User Profile in menu so user can change his / her's details.
  2. Display Service case new fields and layout.
  3. Office Profile Business rules.
  4. Customer Group Profile RMA Prefix id.
Beta 1.7.0 New Features
  1. Add Remove Customer Group Products functionality.
  2. Add Remove Customer Group Customers functionality.
  3. Customer administration functionality.
  4. Updated Customer Group Views with dblclick to display group profile.
  5. Updated Office Views with dblclick to display office profile.
  6. Office Details updated with Service Case Must Be Approved.
  7. RMA No PopUp display only when multiple service cases with identical RmaNo exists.
  8. Service Case Approval functionality.
Beta 1.6.0 New Features
  1. Edit Service Case RMA No Popup displaying details about service cases with same RMA No.
  2. Email Service Api.
  3. Removed Office id from all service case views.
  4. Added DblClick on service case in view so it opens in edit or display mode.
Beta 1.5.0 New Features
  1. File Upload Api for import of service cases.
  2. Display Customer Details Modal in Edit Service Case
  3. Office Selector for Super users.
  4. STRONG Office Administration.
Beta 1.4.1 New Features
  1. France ADTP Display Service Case Form.
Beta 1.4.0 New Features
  1. Customer Group Admin functionality.
Beta 1.3.1 New Features
  1. Service Case Spare Part functionality.
Beta 1.3.0 New Features
  1. Service Case Log History in Display Mode.
  2. Credit note field in display service case form.
  3. Delete Service Case.
Beta 1.2.0 New Features:
  1. Spare Part Management GUI.
Beta 1.1.0 New Features:
  1. Product Category administration GUI.
  2. Product administration GUI.
  3. Service Case Update GUI.
  4. Service Case Create GUI.
Beta 1.0.2
  1. Office id being picked from logged in user.
Beta 1.0.1
  1. Bug fix - Removing left side menu when user is not logged in.
  2. Added possibility to change the page size in lists.
Beta 1.0.0 Features
  1. Including views for all Service case statuses.
  2. Display Service Case